Saturday, April 18, 2009

Life on The Amazon River

On one of the river tours, a female guide said that she lives in the best place in the world, The Amazon. A person questioned if she had been to other parts of the world, and she said why should she, she has everything she needs here in The Amazon.
When I took the photo of this family in their boat above and below, I thought about what the female guide said and how happy this family looked. You may not be able to see the girls big smile or hear her laughter, along with her family, but they were having a great time and seemed to be quite happy.

One thing we learned about The Amazon. The people who live here never want for food. There is plenty of fish in The Amazon basin which contains the largest number of freshwater fish species in the world -- more than 3,000 species of freshwater fish.
The fish you see in the boat above is a catfish, however for the sport minded....
Peacock Bass is one of the favorite catch and release fish for sport anglers in The Amazon region and there are many outfitters that will lodge you in The Amazon right on one of the dark rivers. They say under normal river conditions, you can expect to boat about 30 Peacocks a week per angler. And you will probably loose twice that many fish. I think in this village area, catfish seems to be the catch of the day.

In this small village of Boca Da Valeria, this is the school for the many children that live in this area.